Birgitte has relatively late thrown herself into the use of colors in her production. But over the past year she focused to develop her knowledge of the resin. Like gypsum, resin has a monolithic expression that emphasizes the same sculptural desire as one associate with gypsum. And like gypsum it is a castable material, but potentially with even more possibilities both aesthetically and commercially. In addition to the natural transparency of the resin, which can be gradually more opaque by adding pigments, it achieves an extremely delicate color scheme in most dyes. The processing of the surface moves from refined silky mat to a shiny high gloss polish.
Currently Birgitte is working on developing new works in illuminated resin. Here she adds treads of LED to emphasize the qualities of this exact phenomenon, that depending on how you want to translate your light, you can adapt the material from completely transparent to the most subtle color shades.